Over the years, we have developed a tradition of honouring players or teams for their contributions to or participation in the Bonspiel.
On the Saturday prior to the the start of curling, the Rookies (curlers participating in their first QIB) are presented to the President and the Rookie “event” sponsors. During this reception, the Rookies will receive their commemorative pins and identification.
A committee is formed to observe and evaluate the Rookies’ behavior during the week and, based on established criteria, a "Rookie of the Year" will be chosen. The “Rookie of the Year” will be named during the Medal and Trophy presentation (Wednesday evening) and be presented with a commemorative plaque.
The 2025 Rookie of the Year was:
Allison Kavanaugh
Team Plan B
During the Saturday afternoon prior to the Opening Ceremonies, several receptions are held to honor the players participating in their fifth, tenth (i.e. those joining the Decaders’ Club), fifteenth, and twentieth Bonspiels. At these various receptions, commemorative pins are distributed to these players, while those joining the “Decaders’ Club” also receive a commemorative certificate. We also honour the players participating in their thirtieth and fortieth Bonspiel.
At the Grand Banquet, a special ceremony is held to recognize the outstanding contribution of those players who are playing in their 25th Bonspiel. The new members of the "Quarter Century Club" are presented with a commemorative scroll and ring.
Each year, the Past Presidents gather and decide if there is a participant who deserves very sepcial recognition for their contributions to the success of the Bonspiel. Generally, they decide to recognize one individual with the Honour and Merit award.
In 2025, the Honour and Merit award was presented to :
Geoff Wood of the Rebel Monks.
Congratulations and thank you very much for your contributions including your work as editor of the Bonspieler and the annual yearbook.